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دانلود فیلم احضار ۲The Conjuring 2 2016
The Conjuring 2: Redefining Horror (Featurette)
The Conjuring 2: We Can Hear It
The Conjuring 2: Right Now
The Conjuring 2: Strange Happenings (Featurette)
The Conjuring 2: Something In My Room
The Conjuring 2: I'm Talking
The Conjuring 2: Voice On The Tape
The Conjuring 2: It's Coming
The Conjuring 2: Maria Doyle Kennedy On Peggy Nottingham's Relationship With The Hodgsons
The Conjuring 2: Frances O'Connor On How The Hauntings Began
The Conjuring 2: Steve Coulter On Father Gordon
The Conjuring 2: Patrick Wilson On The Conjuring Franchise
The Conjuring 2: Audio Recordings (Featurette)
The Conjuring 2: Chad & Carey Hayes On Why They Chose The Enfield Story
The Conjuring 2: Janet (Hodgson) Winter On When The Haunting First Began
The Conjuring 2: Margaret (Hodgson) Nadeem On When The Haunting First Began
The Conjuring 2: Lauren Esposito On 'Janet's' And 'Margaret's' Relationships
The Conjuring 2: Vera Farmiga On The Story
The Conjuring 2: James Wan On The Return To 'The Conjuring' Franchise
The Conjuring 2: Madison Wolfe On 'Janet Hodgson'
The Conjuring 2: Patrick McAuley On Verga Farmiga And Patrick Wilson
The Conjuring 2: Benjamin Haigh On Working On A True Story
The Conjuring 2: Rob Cowan On The Hodgson's
The Conjuring 2: David Leslie Johnson On What Excited Him About Working On This Film
The Conjuring 2: Franka Potente On When 'Ed' And 'Lorraine' Arrive In Enfield
The Conjuring 2: Simon Delaney On Vic Nottingham
The Conjuring 2: Peter Safran On When And Where The Sequel Picks Up
The Conjuring 2
The Conjuring 2
Trailer #2
Teaser Trailer