سوننی اشبورن سرکیسBJump به Mini Bio known برای Venom: Let There Be Carnage (2021) و Child 44 (2015) و De Hobbit: Een onverwachte reis (2012). 案件فامیلاپدر و مادرLorraine AshbourneAndy SerkisRelativesRuby Ashbourne Serkis(Sibling)Louis Ashbourne Serkis(Sibling)Jayne Ashbourne(Aunt or Uncle)ترکیهSon of actors Andy Serkis and Lorraine Ashbourne. Brother of actors Ruby Ashbourne Serkis and Louis Ashbourne Serkis. در این صفحه suggest an edit or add missing content přebírání به این صفحهLearn more about contributingEdit pageMore از این شخصView agent, publicist, legal and company contact details on IMDbPro More به гляделRecently viewedشما هیچ صفحه最近HZnone recently viewed pages Get the IMDb appSign in for more accessSign in for more accessFollow IMDb on socialGet the IMDb appبرای اندروید و آی او اسHelp사이트 IndexIMDbProBox Office MojoLicense IMDb DataPress RoomAdvertisingJobsConditions of UsePrivacy PolicyYour Ads Privacy ChoicesIMDb, an Amazon company 1990-2024 توسط IMDb.com, Inc.Back به بالا