Mohammad Reza Hashemi به عنوان یک چهره مشهور در سینما، در سال 2017 در فیلمهای "Nahang e Anbar 2" و "Saat Panj é asr" و در سال 2019 در فیلم "Gando" شناخته شده است.معلوم نیست様 که از REVIEW MoviesRelease CalendarTop 250 MoviesMost Popular MoviesBrowse Movies by GenreTop Box OfficeShowtimes & TicketsMovie NewsIndia Movie SpotlightTV ShowsWhat's on TV & StreamingTop 250 TV ShowsMost Popular TV ShowsBrowse TV Shows by GenreTV NewsWatchWhat to WatchLatest TrailersIMDb OriginalsIMDb PicksIMDb SpotlightIMDb PodcastsAwards & EventsOscarsBest Of 2024Holiday PicksSTARmeter AwardsAwards CentralFestival CentralAll EventsCelebsBorn TodayMost Popular CelebsCelebrity NewsCommunityHelp CenterContributor ZonePollsFor Industry ProfessionalsLanguageEnglish (United States)LanguageFully supportedEnglish (United States)Partially supportedFrançais (Canada)Français (France)Deutsch (Deutschland)हिंदी (भारत)Italiano (Italia)Português (Brasil)Español (España)Español (México)AllAllWatchlistSign InENFully supportedEnglish (United States)Partially supportedFrançais (Canada)Français (France)Deutsch (Deutschland)हिंदी (भारत)Italiano (Italia)Português (Brasil)Español (España)Español (México)Use app BackBiographyIMDbProAll topicsBiographyMohammad Reza HashemiEditMini BioMohammad Reza Hashemi is known for Gando (2019), Nahang e Anbar 2 (2017) and Saat Panj é asr (2017). Contribute to this pageSuggest an edit or add missing contentLearn more about contributingEdit pageMore from this personView agent, publicist, legal and company contact details on IMDbPro More to exploreRecently viewedYou have no recently viewed pages Get the IMDb appSign in for more accessSign in for more accessFollow IMDb on socialGet the IMDb appFor Android and iOSHelpSite IndexIMDbProBox Office MojoLicense IMDb DataPress RoomAdvertisingJobsConditions of UsePrivacy PolicyYour Ads Privacy ChoicesIMDb, an Amazon company© 1990-2024 by